Sunday, August 1, 2010

Whats in a blog?

Recently, a friend of mine asked if I would like to start a new blog with them. It has been years since I set my mind to blogging and was of course thrilled with the thought of co-writing something with this particular friend. But as their ideas came forward, it became less and less a project I could see myself doing (at the moment anyway).
Their plan was to write a sort of comedy blog where we take on "roles" and say things we don't necessarily mean, or mean - but in a humorous/offensive manner. I kind of don't get it to be honest.
Maybe with some planning that style could be very smart and witty, but unfortunately life leaves the two of us little time to plan much of anything together, and personally, I am in a phase which pretending to be any character other than myself, leads far away from the path I am walking.
I have never been good at keeping my true thoughts and feelings to myself, so how could I write anything I don't truly mean? And what would be the point in doing so?
Years ago I had a blog of my own. I loved it. It was the place I set my self down everyday and sent my words, my dreams, my soul, out into the universe. I had needed a place to put those things, somewhere out side of myself.
It had at times been smart and witty .... other times profound, and often a bit to personal.
I know blog land is full of people who want to fight, who want to stand for something, who are looking for popularity etc .....
Me? today ....... I just want to breath.
we will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings ......

Saturday, April 17, 2010